Our services.


Whether you’re looking for guidance on your dog’s antics or want to commit to a training plan custom-designed by LT, we’ve got the behavior solutions for you.

pet sitting

It can be tricky to plan a trip away from home and leave your pets behind. LT has the knowledge and experience to help them keep their cool while you’re away.

specialty services



Now accepting clients for:

- Puppy Foundations

- Adult Life Skills / Manners

- Recall / Off-Leash Adventure Prep


·       In-person or over Zoom depending on your intake form and the issues we'll be addressing.

·       We'll review your training goals and develop a customized plan based on your pets' strengths, your lifestyle and learning style, and your families bandwidth for training.

·       This is the perfect time to unpack questions you have about your dog's behavior as well as air any recurring frustrations. I aim to provide a judgement-free zone in which you can be honest about what you have or haven't tried and what has or hasn't worked for you and your pet.

*Consultation required prior to purchasing one-off sessions, DIY Coaching or Day Training packages


·       An excellent option for folks who have the desire to train their puppy/dog but can't find the time.

·       I'll visit your home on a pre-scheduled basis for a training session and/or socialization excursion.

·       You do not need to be present for day training sessions but are welcome to observe.

·       After each session you'll receive updates detailing what we worked on.

·       Packages include transfer session(s) in which I show you how to maintain training and sharpen your own skills.


·       Ideal for folks who want to learn the ins & outs of training and take a hands-on approach

·       I'll meet you in your home or at an ideal public location depending on your dog's training plan

·       After each session I'll send customized brainwork to progress in your dog's plan at a rate that's doable for you.

·       Packages include trainer access over text & email between sessions to ensure you're on the fast track to success.

Training requirements include:

- A completed intake form prior to your scheduled consultation

- A signed service agreement prior to the rendering of all training services

- A completed emergency vet authorization form prior to day training services

pet sitting

It can be tricky to plan a trip away from home and leave your pets behind, especially when they have needs that require careful attention while you're away. My main goals when caring for your pet(s) in your home are to mirror their routine as best I can, prioritize the fun activities they enjoy, and ensure their comfort every step of the way. Thanks to both my many years of experience and top-of-the-line education in all-things-dog I'm especially equipped to work with fearful and/or reactive dogs in their home.

In-Home Petsitting requirements include:

- A scheduled phone consult followed by a free 20-30 minute meet-n-greet in your home

- Dogs with behavioral challenges may require more than one meet-n-greet visit

- Prior to my first paid visit you'll be required to complete an emergency vet authorization form and an intake form detailing your pet(s) routine, health, habits, and preferences.

Currently serving San Francisco proper.


Overnight Stay (approx. 7pm - 7am): $140/night*

This is the best option for dogs who would prefer to have someone looking out for them all night long. This option may include neighborhood walks, shorter potty breaks, mealtimes, cuddling, enrichment activities, and/or brushing up on known training skills - I'll focus on ensuring your dogs needs are met and that they don't get lonely while you're away. When booking consecutive overnight stays, I'll also be checking in on your dog mid-day at no extra cost.

*max 2 pets. Additional pets needing care may incur additional $40/night fee.

One-Hour Check-In Visit (between the hours of approx. 8am - 6pm): $40/visit

I'll visit at a time we've agreed to beforehand for no less than 1 hour. Your dog and I will spend that time doing whatever you'd like us to! This option may include a neighborhood walk, shorter potty breaks, mealtimes, cuddling, enrichment activities, and/or brushing up on known training skills. If you'd like us to spend this time doing something that isn't listed, just ask!

Half-Hour Check-In Visit (between the hours of approx. 8am-6pm): $25/visit

If your dog is more low-key or doesn't love the company of strangers, this option may be better suited for them. This option may include a quick stroll around the block and/or shorter potty break, mealtimes, enrichment activities, and whatever else we can reasonably fit into a 30-minute visit while prioritizing your dog's safety and comfort.

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!