Little King Trash Dog

Training, Sitting, Behavior Consulting









Your dog is weird and so am I ✶

My approach


Each session is tailored to your lifestyle, learning style, and bandwidth for training. If something isn’t working for you we’ll explore alternatives that are achievable given your unique needs.


From the basic principles of animal learning to more in-depth discussions around why dogs do the things they do, LT loves helping their clients understand the inner-workings of their fuzzy buddy’s mindscape.

Informed by Science

LT feels strongly that dog trainers should strive to continually educate themselves on best-practice standards and welfare-based approaches. This is an evolving field and there’s always more to learn to best serve our clients.


Effective, science-backed dog training isn’t about alpha-status or heavy-handed approaches. You and your dog are a team and we’ll prioritize your ability to work together while having fun and building a strong bond.

My promises

judgement-free zone

Never trained before? Tried something that you now regret? Having trouble progressing in your goals? I’ve been there, too! I’ll never guilt you over past choices or blame you for current issues. The path forward is paved in patience and understanding for both you and your dog.

You set our pace

We’ll speed up or slow down depending on what feels comfortable for you. We all have different capacities for learning new things and vastly varying time allowances in which to do so. I want to make certain that our training plan lives in that sweet spot where you can see consistent progress but don’t feel overwhelmed by our goals or timeline.

comfort is key

Both you and your dog will learn better if we’re prioritizing your well-being and preventing undue stress. Learning is not as impactful when we’re upset or on-edge so every step of our plan will focus on actionable progress that doesn’t leave either of you with the head-spins.

Let’s chat!